Springer Antiques & Collectables (Unit 49)


Trading from Unit 49 in Hungerford Arcade, Jeff and Rita specialise in scientific instruments, i.e. barometers of all types, pocket, anaroid, mercury and barographs. Barographs are used for measuring changes in air pressure over time, and incorporate an automatic graphing device.  The unit holds a range of other scientific miscellany,  including microscopes and medical instruments.  


In addition they also trade in other antiques and collectables, from Cold painted bronzes to the larger Bronze items, lamps, pictures, and also silver and taxidermy.

Jeff & Rita are regularly to be found at the Arcade and are happy to discuss customers specific requirements. If you wish to speak to them direct, their details are below.



We have five wonderful Springer Spaniels (mother, three girls and one boy). The mother is 9 years old and the puppies are six years old in July. Wow, we can’t believe it!  They all work but live in the house with Jeff and me but I am sure that they feel we live with them!  In fact, I know they do.  We love long walks, our lovely Unit 49 here at Hungerford Arcade and all the lovely things we buy to put in it.


Contact Details:

Tel: 07818 691724

       07584 935817

E-mail: jeffkibble@btinternet.com