Hungerford Arcade stallholders Gary and June Crook have a keen interest in military history and always pay tribute to our Armed Forces on significant milestones.  Last Sunday, on a beautiful sunny day,  together with their friends Percy Witt and John  Haines, they organised this marvellous display to commemorate the fortieth anniversary of the end of the Falklands War, the anniversary of which was on Tuesday 14th June.


L/R  Percy Witt, John Haines, Gary Crook, June Crook



It is hard to believe that it is forty years since the invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982.  I remember it as if it were yesterday; watching Ian McDonald, the Ministry of Defence spokesman, every evening on the television to hear of the latest developments, anxiously wondering how friends were faring.





When the news came that Major General Jeremy Moore had sent the message “Best pleased to inform Her Majesty the Union Flag once again flies over Government House, Stanley”, the relief was immense.





Gary has an extensive collection of Action Men and choose one from each of the Services, together with a Harrier Jump Jet, in tribute to everyone who took part in the conflict.  The Para with the Union Jack yomping across East Falkland from San Carlos Water towards Stanley is one of the iconic images from the time.  


We remember with gratitude all those who served in the conflict and especially those who gave their lives.  They will never be forgotten.
