Hungerford Arcade has been closed for eleven days now under the Government guidelines, which we completely agree with.  During the closure and to our complete surprise, we have had lots of emails from customers at home and overseas, who wish us well and then go on to talk about how they really miss coming to the Arcade, what it means to them and how they long for the day that we re-open. That is why I am writing this blog for all of you.


The Arcade owners, Adrian and Hazel are looking after each and every one of us during this pandemic.  They, the managers, staff and stallholders together are like a big happy family.  Everyone is in touch as a group on a daily basis through social media where we can reminisce and have some lighthearted fun and at the same time, look out for one another.  We all miss the Arcade and our wonderful customers very much and feel very lost without the daily chit- chat about antiques and the interesting lives of you who come through our door.  It is a big part of all of our lives.


Hungerford Arcade on a lovely sunny day


Our March Newsletter has just been published and you can read it by going to the drop-down menu at the top of this page or just click here  There are also articles to read or, you can just take a tour of our website and find other things that may interest you.


I must just say that I have not been out.  I am at home where I can access the Arcade email account and reply to all the emails that come through.


All of us here at Hungerford Arcade would like to say a big thank you to each and everyone of you for getting in touch with us.  Stay safe and healthy and one day in the near future, we will all be reunited back into the world that we know and love.


Rita and everyone at Hungerford Arcade


