Hungerford Arcade has many visitors come through the door on a daily basis.  Some have their own antiques business, some are antiques and collectable customers who buy for themselves, but we also get interior designers from London and elsewhere around the country, even from overseas.


Hungerford Arcade Blog Kerry & Becky of Helping Hands March 2020

                                                     L-R Kerry Collins and Becky Arlow


Today, we had two lovely ladies, Kerry Collins and Becky Arlow come into the Arcade and told us that they were buying items for dementia care patients to help them remember objects from their past.  What a fabulous idea!  Kerry is the manageress of Helping Hands in Newbury and Becky is the manageress of the newly opened Helping Hands branch in Hungerford.



Kerry and Becky explained that Helping Hands take care of all a dementia patient’s needs and their moto is “Giving you the right level of support is our passion.” 


You can find out all you need to know by visiting the Helping Hands website by clicking here

