Hungerford Arcade A Link To The Past


Gerald Barnham is always on the lookout for pictures of his Aunt Zoe, who appeared on milk advertisements in the 1950s, so every time he goes into an antiques shop or bookshop he knows what to look for – never expecting to find anything.  Today however he got lucky.  Not only did he find the very edition of Picture Post he was looking for, bt it was in the most fantastic condition.  It even still contained the centrefold pull out poster with a picture of his Aunt which he had never seen before.

Needless to say, Gerald was very pleased with his find and even more pleased with the price – £3 is all it cost him to come closer to completing his collection of his Aunt’s modelling photoshoots.  Unfortunately, a lot of them will never be seen again as they were billboards.

The model’s name is Zoe Newton and was modelling between 1955 and 1957.
