Hungerford Arcade Supports Mary Hare School

Mary Hare School for the Deaf is our chosen charity and we do whatever we can to support them.  The school is currently fundraising for a new school building for primary aged, profoundly deaf and severely deaf children.  The current building is old and inadequate for the very specific needs of the children. 

So as part of the fundraising drive for this much needed new building, the school has put together a video to showcase some of the things they do and some of the things they have already done to raise money for the appeal.  The appeal video has been shortlisted for the Charity Film Awards.  The school has been invited to the awards ceremony in May when they will hear if the judges have given them an award in their category. 

In the meantime, there is a public vote for all the finalists and an additional award will be given to the film that attracts the most public votes.  Please vote for them on their page.  Thank you for your support!
