Happy Saint Patrick’s Day


Waterford Crystal drinking glasses

Happy Saint Patrick’s day from everyone here at Hungerford Arcade!  As everyone knows, today is a commemoration of the day Saint Patrick died.  Another thing that everyone knows is that he famously drove all the snakes out of Ireland.  But apparently, that isn’t true!  I read today that there were never any snakes in Ireland to begin with.  The allegorical snakes he drove out were actually druids, in his crusade to bring Christianity to the Emerald Isle.  

Today, St Paddy’s day is a chance to celebrate all that is Irish!  It is the most widely celebrated national festival around the world, with parades and parties taking place as far away as Argentina, Australia and the USA.  Wherever you are, we wish you a happy Saint Patrick’s day!

Here are some Irish treasures spotted in the Arcade today!


Miniature Guiness bottles


Belleek porcelain


