Hungerford Arcade – Big In Japan!

Earlier this year, we were visited by a roving reporter working on behalf of a magazine which is published quarterly in Japan.  The magazine, RSVP, is like a Japanese version of Homes and Antiques and focuses on English tea culture and antiques in fashion.  We had a chat over a cup of tea and she took a few pictures and then left and we forgot all about it – until last week when a copy of the magazine arrived in the post!  I have scanned some pictures of the pages we are featured on – see below.  If anybody would like to try to translate the text for us we would be very grateful! Thankyou to RSVP for featuring us in their magazine.  You can view their website here

Antiques berkshire hungerford japaneseantiques hungerford berkshire japanhungerford antiques berkshire japaneseantiques hungerford berkshire japanese

